Amy Kirkbright

When Chronic Illness, disability and other barriers are a block: for the fighters and supporters

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Artist, counsellor & chronic illness battler, Amy Kirkbright, will give a workshop on experiencing long-term barriers to nature journaling:

Living with a chronic illness or disability is like having a full-time job but with no days off. There are so many unspoken aspects that can stop us from being able to do something seemingly simple such as "just go for a little walk in nature". We often worry about pain and don't always have resources like strength, energy, concentration, time, motivation.

Amy will share some insights about the struggle to be creative while chronically and mentally ill, what to do when you can't be creative, and how to better include those around us. This workshop is for the fighters and the supporters but can't possibly address all aspects, so this will be the beginning of important conversations and a stronger community.


Find out more about Amy and her work go to Find Amy on Instagram @aamydiana or contact her via email at