5th June 2022



Today we are thinking about confidence. The difference between having confidence in ourselves and what we do, and feeling lost and disconnected, can have a profound effect on us, and on our nature journaling. We’ll be focusing on positive ways of finding and developing confidence, and breaking down the barriers we can create for ourselves.


Live event


5th June 2022, 11 AM London Time (8pm AEST)

Jules woolford

Facing our Challenges

5th June, 4PM Pacific time (6th June 9 AM AEST)

John Muir Laws



How to have confidence when nature journaling?
Scientific Art Tips from Elizabeth (Marine Mumbles)


Nature journaling prompts and ideas


Committing to pulling out your nature journal kit over and over again (daily, if possible) is the best way to build confidence and enjoy the rewards of the practice. Are there pockets of time in your routine that you can fit nature journaling into? Maybe it’s on your lunch break. You will see change over time if you put in the pencil miles!  

Here’s a great blog post from Laurence Menhinick. Nature journaling can help you develop a drawing practice, by becoming a more diligent observer, and using different aspects of nature sketching to practice different areas of drawing!

Joining a nature journal club or class can help you make connections with other journalers, and boost your confidence. Eriko Kobayashi explains how she started the Japan Nature Journal Club.

Want to journal fearlessly? Then Marley Peifer has some great tips in this episode of his Nature Journal Show!

Listen to Danny Gregory talking to Bethan about confidence in drawing in this episode of the Journaling with Nature Podcast ‘Calming the inner critic and establishing a creative habit’.

Sketching nature outside is a wonderful confidence builder, whatever age you are. An inspiring video here from a botanical garden in Florida, where older journalers are benefitting through practical art skills and gaining self confidence.