Corina Brdar

Reproduction and replication


ecologist and nature journal educator Corina Brdar will be leading a journal together sesson on the theme of reproduction and replication


This Journal Together session will be a time to come together and nature journal as a worldwide community. It will be an informal gathering where Corina will be journaling on screen while others work on their own nature journaling projects at the same time.

Bring along you nature journal and something related to the theme of reproduction and replication.


Corina Brdar
Nature journaling is an important part of Corina's regular mindfulness practice. She has worked as a professional ecologist/conservationist for over 20 years. Inspiring others to experiment with nature journaling through fun workshops (like this one) nourishes her love for nature. She shares more ideas through her Instagram profile:
@livingbeingmindfulness and on her website: