3rd June 2022



Today we are focusing on creative ways to nature journal and practicing things we may not have tried before.
Our nature journals can be a place to play with new techniques, new media and new ways of making marks in response to nature.


Live event


*Please check the time of this live workshop against your own time zone using this time zone converter.

3rd June 2022, 7 PM US Eastern time (4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific)
(4th June, 9 AM Australian Eastern Standard Time)

Instructor: Jean Mackay
Workshop description:
Values Added
This workshop will focus on how to enliven your nature sketches with a full range of values. We'll sketch in pencil and pen, and then add watercolor to the mix so that you can practice seeing and adding values with a variety of sketching mediums.


Nature journaling prompts and ideas


Do you ever feel concerned about wanting to making ‘pretty pictures’ in your journal? Sometimes we can be paralysed by perfectionism, but trying to be perfect takes the fun out of the process. Play is the antidote to perfectionism! Bethan Burton created the video series Creative Play for Nature Journalers as a place to practice letting go of fears and coming back to joyful mark-making.


What “rules” can you break in your nature journal today? Maybe you can explore using digital technology, even if you’ve never considered it before. What about using something completely different as your sketchbook (like a part of your body!)?


What steps can you take to support your creative flow? This article, from Wings Words and Wonder, gives you ideas to strengthen your creative practice muscles by creating a dedicated space, scheduling time, building confidence by enjoying the process and having fun!


Have you ever tried including a map in your nature journal? Maps are a fun element to add to your repertoire and your imagination is truly the limit. In this free 2 hour tutorial from Roseann Hanson you can learn about the history and styles of map-making. This blog post, by Kathryn Gander, describes how to draw your walk, which is an easy way to try map-making.


If there’s a line from a poem or a song lyric that comes to mind when you’re in nature, try weaving it into your nature journal in a new way. This beautiful 2 minute video combines music and animation with the poetry and personal herbarium of Emily Dickinson to express the complexity of nature.


Is there a nature-based activity you can try journaling? In this 15 minute episode of The Nature Journal Show Marley Peifer captures the process of clam foraging, processing, and cooking and describes what it’s like to participate in an activity as nature journaler.


Have you ever considered using natural art tools to sketch in your journal? Artist Christiane Weismüller uses lots of different natural tools to create art. Learn how she does it in her blog post.