4th June 2022



Today we are focusing on the things that inspire us to pick up a pen and go outside to nature journal. What motivates us and keeps us coming back to the practice again and again.


Live Workshop

4th June 2021, (12 noon German Time; 8pm AEST)

Ayoka Kaiser-

Expressing Yourself With Sketchnotes


From Curiosity to Kinship with Rebecca Rolnick

Environmental educator Rebecca Rolnick gives an inspiring presentation on catching the wonders around us. Please download the supplementary materials that Rebecca has created by clicking the links below this video.


Eriko Kobayashi "The Color of The Mountains" INJW Workshop 2022

Wildlife artist and nature journal teacher, Eriko Kobayashi will give a pre-recorded workshop called The Color of the Mountains. Eriko is inspired by the colours around her and she shares how she mixes these colours in her video presentation:


Nature journaling prompts and ideas


If you were to create your own nature fan club, what nature elements would it feature (Diatoms? Kaputar Pink Slugs?) and how would you hope to inspire others? For example, the Octonation fan club was created to use the wonder of these magical creature to inspire people to learn more about ocean life.


Looking through some of your nature journals, which of your own pages inspire you? How do you feel when you look at them? Does using an intuitive approach inspire you to fill more pages?  If you’re not feeling inspired looking at your own journal see if you can find some ideas from your fellow nature journalers in The Nature Journal Club group or by searching #naturejournaling.


What nature sounds near you inspire you to step outdoors? Have you tried capturing them using words or symbols in your nature journal?


Each of us has something special that stops us in our tracks and inspires us to open our nature journals. Have you found your inspiration yet? For some it’s a special place and its history, while for others it’s the simple things they observe on their daily walk. What is it that you are drawn to draw?