Marley Peifer

Unlock The Power of Your Curiosity in Your Nature Journal


Nature journal educator, Marley Peifer, WILL GIVE A WORKSHOP

ON the use of questions in our nature journals:


Do you want to explore the power and pleasure of curiosity with me in this workshop about using questions in nature journaling? Did you know that questions are one of the most essential intellectual tools? I wonder why our current education system and dominant culture are not teaching this skill but actually measurably undermining it?

I will help you tap into the unfettered curiosity you had as a kid when you were a question-asking machine. I will also demonstrate my process on the page and in nature and provide tips and techniques to help you reclaim your curiosity and accelerate your learning. Bring all your nature journaling supplies—Did you know drawings can be questions too?


During Marley’s workshop he said he would create a video for The Nature Journal Show all about the taxonomy of questions. You can find this video here:


Find out more about Marley and on his website, as well as on Facebook and Instagram.

Check out The Nature Journal Show on YouTube where Marley gives tips, product reviews, shares nature journaling adventures, and interviews nature journal artists and explorers.