

Welcome to the program for International Nature Journaling Week 2023

Click the button below each theme for more information and inspiration.




Today we are focusing on colour as one aspect of our sense of sight. Colour can characterise a place, like the dusky green of an Australian bushland, or the tan expanse of a desert dune. When we observe the colours of our nearby nature it brings a strong sense of place.



Texture is just one aspect of our sense of touch. Touch helps us experience and understand the world around us, and nature is filled with textures of all kinds that we can enjoy! Today we will spend some time touching all things smooth, rough, spiky, bumpy, slimy, dimpled…


Day 3


Aroma describes the things we experience with our sense of smell. When we pay attention to this sense we can learn a lot about the living and non-living parts of an ecosystem. Nature is redolent with aromas that can evoke strong emotions and memories inside each of us.

Day 4


Song is something we experience with our sense of hearing. Today we will pay attention to the music of nature, noticing, and learning about, the natural sounds in our neighbourhood and the effect this spectrum of sounds can have on our lives.




One of life’s great joys is tasting the delicious flavours of our food. Today we are going to take time to savour the taste of food plants in our kitchen and garden, noticing and journaling about this special sense that can connect us with culture, history and place.




There are several lesser-known senses that help us orient our bodies and move through the world, including proprioception and the vestibular system. We have grouped these together as movement and that is what we will be exploring today.




Today, we will focus on feelings, intuition, and a sense of connection with the more-than-human world. We will explore ways of experiencing nature through the heart, bringing us closer to an understanding of how we can live more gently on this precious planet.


Where to from here?

Next Steps

International Nature Journaling Week is only the beginning. We can use this week as inspiration to keep going. Let’s talk about ways to create a solid nature journaling habit and bring nature into your life every day.


If you have enjoyed the week, please consider making a donation to help cover the cost of running this event.
Your generous support helps make International Nature Journaling Week possible.
Thank you!