2nd June 2022
International Nature Journaling Week was built on the foundation of sharing.
We are here as a global community because we want to learn about nature in other places and to share the joys of nature close to home.
Today we will share our journal pages, learn new things and gather ideas from each other.
Video presentation
Clare Walker Leslie has been keeping a nature journal since 1978. She has written more than a dozen book on the subject and her books offer immeasurable inspiration to beginner and experienced jouranlers alike. We are thrilled to share that we will have a pre-recorded video conversation between Clare Walker Leslie and Bethan Burton. In the conversation Clare shares her story, how she began nature journaling and how she brought this practice to people of all ages through her books and workshops.
Clare Walker Leslie with Eriko Kobayashi at the first Wild Wonder Nature Journaling Conference 2019.
Green Sketching
Author, artist and joy spotter Dr Ali Foxon talks about Green Sketching and how it can free us from the pitfalls of sharing our sketches on social media. Find out more about Ali’s new book on her website boggydoodles.com.
Nature journaling prompts and ideas
What connections have you shared with other animals and have you tried to capture them in your nature journal? If you’ve ever had an eye-to-eye encounter with a non-human animal, you could describe the experience in words or diagrams.
In his recent book OUR WILD CALLING: How Connecting with Animals Can Transform Our Lives - and Save Theirs, author Richard Louv gathers stories of the transformative bonds that can happen between humans and other animals.
Having a pet in our lives can have surprising and dramatic health benefits. Have you ever tried adding your pet to your nature journal? Try sketching your dog or cat while they are asleep.
Nature journaler Yvea Moore facilitates weekly gatherings called Pencil Miles and Chill. The aim of these Zoom get-togethers is to share and connect with others while working on your own creative projects. Everyone is welcome and you can find the details on the Events section of the Nature Journal Club on Facebook.