Blog post submission guidelines
We would love to feature your post on the blog for International Nature Journaling Week.
Here are some guidelines for how to submit your work:
The choice of subject is up to you. You can focus on any aspect of nature journaling that you are interested in. Browse the posts from 2020/2021 for examples of what others have submitted in the past.
The length of the post is also up to you. Some contributors prefer to write a short piece and include more photos to tell the story, others prefer to write a longer piece with a lot of detail.
Please include at least one photograph for the cover photo. Photos in the body of the post also help to illustrate your ideas.
Please ensure that all photos are between 1500 pixels and 2500 pixels wide.
For best results, images should be less than 500kb in size.
Images should be in .jpg, .gif or .png format.
Please ensure that you have full permission to use the photographs you submit and that you have permission from people shown in the photos (if relevant).
Clearly indicate the position within the text where you would like your images to be placed. For example [Image 1 here].
Give your post a title that relates to the content of your article.
Send a short bio along with a photo of yourself to include at the end of the article, as well as links to your website and social media accounts, if relevant.
Submit article either as a Word document or editable PDF file.
Have fun! We will feature your work in a newsletter in the lead up to International Nature Journaling Week.