Hello. I'm Kuniko and live in Tokyo, Japan.
Tokyo has some parks, but it has a little nature compared to my hometown. I used to feel sad about the lack of nature but I enjoy my life lately more than before, that is because I am starting to love this place. I have noticed that there are many special places around me.
I grew up in the countryside surrounded by mountains. When I was a child, I would go to a beach once a year and thought about how big the world was. I believed my world could be spread like the ocean and the sky. I was always searching for a place where I belong. I used to work at a ranch in Nagano and a Japanese inn in Okinawa, but I couldn't find my place in the world.
Last year, I joined The Japan Nature Journal Club. Since then, I have started nature journaling and my mind has changed in positive ways. So far, I have encountered special moments like these.
These beauties had always been here around me since the beginning, but I didn't realize them. I wasted my important time absorbing in busy daily life, being frustrated, and listing to gossip. If you can appreciate your current environment and your surroundings, you may not need a nature journal. But If you are feeling like I used to be, I want you to try to go out with a pen and a sketchbook!
I promise you can find a lot of joy! By drawing my nature journal, I have learned how to love myself and know where I should be.
Find more of Kuniko’s work on instagram @kumonko0813 and on her YouTube channel